We all care about the escalating conflict across Ukraine and how it affects the people in Ukraine. We can all contribute to make a difference in this world. Some families from Ukraine are going to arrive in the Cornell community soon. Many people from the community respond passionately to their needs. Some donate things that they need, some donate gift card and money, some donate aeroplane point for them to purchase flight ticket to Canada. We are so encouraged to see many people willing to open their home to host Ukraine family to live among them. “Welcoming church” are called to open our doors to welcome Ukraine family. You can be part of the contribution too. Pray for peace to be restored quickly and that children and families will be protected from harm. We encourage you to give care and provide support for them locally.
我們都關心烏克蘭各地不斷升級的衝突,以及它如何影響烏克蘭人民。我們都可以為改變這個世界做出貢獻。來自烏克蘭的一些家庭將很快抵Cornell社區。社區中的許多人熱情地回應他們的需求。有些人捐贈他們需要的東西,有些人捐贈禮品卡和金錢,有些人捐贈飛行里數積分,讓他們購買飛往加拿大的機票。我們非常鼓舞地看到許多人願意開放他們的家來接待烏克蘭家庭,與他們住在一起。神叫我們”歡迎教會” 將愛心付諸行動,歡迎烏克蘭家庭的大門為他們打開。