Welcome, we are so glad you made Canada your new home. It can be rewarding and sometime challenging to find a place to live, which is comfortable, safe and affordable. Check out what is in the neighbourhood. Are you close to your friends, school, transit, work, medical care, the supermarket, shopping, and places of worship?
When you are ready to buy a home
- The main advantages to buying a house are the stability and the investment. Speak to a professional to make an informed decision. Realtor agents can help you to find the right property. Home inspectors will check the condition of the house. Lawyers will help you compete the official legal documents. Financial advisors of your bank will help you with the mortgage.
- 購買的主要優點是穩定性和投資性。與專業人士交談以做出明智的決定。 房地產經紀人可以幫助您找到合適的房產。房屋檢查員將檢查房屋的狀況。律師將幫助您準備必須要知文件。銀行的財務顧問將幫助您辦理抵押貸款。
Renting provides more flexibility:
- There are advantages to renting. You can test out if the area is right for you without committing to a large financial amount. Your landlord will be responsible for fixing the property when things go wrong. You can often move into an available property at short notice. When you look for a place to rent, make sure to find out in the lease if it includes utility such as heating, electricity, furniture or appliances.
- Learn about your right as a tenant.
- 租房有其優點。您可以測試該區域是否適合您,而無需投入大量財務金額。當出現問題時,您的房東將負責修復房產。您通常可以在短時間內搬入可用的房產。當您尋找出租的地方時,請務必在租約中找出它是否包括供暖氣和電力支出,傢具或電器 (家庭必需品)。
- Q: Find real estate in Canada
- Q: What is my right as a tenant in Ontario?
- Q: Renting & buying, which option is right for you?
A: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- 問:在加拿大尋找房地產
- 問:作為安大略省的租戶,我的權利是什麼?
- 問:租房和買房,哪個選項適合您?